19 03 2001

have we really opened pandora’s box? read more here::::washingtonpost.com: Thinking Outside the Box


19 03 2001

yes, .: m e m o r i a :. will be XML. read more here::::XML as the great peacemaker – Tech News – CNET.com


19 03 2001


Dertouzos and others called on computer programmers, engineers and venture capitalists to stop designing complex, difficult-to-use computers and applications. Instead, they should make machines that humans can use easily and intuitively, the visionaries said.

this is what .: m e m o r i a :. will be. from here::::ZDNet: Interactive Week: Robo Cop-Out


19 03 2001

there appears to be a bit of a hailstorm forming here::::.NET Glossary


19 03 2001


The Giant Roars

I’m in Redmond to for the official briefing on Microsoft’s HailStorm project, which appears to be a major step in its effort to turn the Internet into the MicrosoftNet. If everything I’ve been told off the record is true, this is ambitious, fascinating, audacious and downright scary — not just for Microsoft’s competitors but users, too.

More later.

this from here::::News, Views and a Redmond Diary


19 03 2001

one of the best articles that i’ve read about the current state of poor customer service here::::“But Wait, You Promised …”


19 03 2001

more food for thought about .: m e m o r i a :. here::::There’s no free lunch on the Internet (3/17/2001)